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  The other experience bar    

  • Chat commands
    /beb [defaults, help] which will respectively load the addons default settings or show the list of valid commands. /beb by itself will show the GUI config menu.
  • Attaching to frames
    Press enter if you type in any changes as nothing gets updated until then. BEB will notify you if the frame is not valid.
  • Using custom textures
    The default location for custom textures for BEB is the Textures folder within BEB's folder.
    If the texture is in there you just need to enter its filename without its extension. If it is elsewhere you will need to enter its path, e.g.. Interface\\AddOns\\BEB\\Textures\\MyTexture
  • Using profiles
    • Create - You must create a profile before you can do anything with profiles. When you create a profile it will be created with your current settings.
    • Use - If you "Use" a profile any changes you make will be automatically saved to the profile and any changes other chars make to the profile will be automatically loaded for the char.
    • Load - Loads the settings from a profile. Any changes you then make will NOT be saved back to the profile.
    • Save to - Saves the current settings to the profile.
    • Delete - Deletes a profile. Be careful with this, you will be able to delete profiles used by other chars.
  • Strata and Level options
    Strata and Level decide how windows and objects the game's UI stack. Objects with a higher Strata will be shown over objects with a lower Strata. If the objects have the same Strata the one with a higher Level number will be shown over objects with a lower Level.
    e.g., 2 Windows, A and B. If A has a Strata of Medium and a level of 2, and B has a strata of High and a level of 2 then B will cover A. If A has a strata of Medium and a level of 3, and B has a strata of Medium and a level of 2, A will cover B. If B's strata is changed to High then it will cover A even though A has a higher level.
  • Changing the bar's text
    If you type in any changes press enter when done as changes will only take effect then. The drop down menu will insert the relevant text variable at the cursors position.
    • Text Variables- If put in the bar's text area they will be replaced by the relevant value which will be updated as they change.
      $plv - Character's level.
      $cxp - Current xp for this level.
      $mxp - Total xp needed for this level.
      $rxp - Rested xp as reported by the game.
      $Rxp - Actual current rested xp.
      $Cxp - Total xp ever earned for this character.
      $Mxp - Xp to go until you can earn no more.
      $txp - Xp needed to level.
      $Txp - Xp needed to reach level 60.
      $pdl - Percent of the way through the current level.
      $Pdl - Percent of the way to the end of level 60.
      $ptl - Percent of the level left to complete.
      $res - Shows 'Resting' if you are currently resting.
      $rst - Shows 'Unrested', 'Rested' or 'Fully Rested'.
      $ptx - Pet's current xp for this level.
      $pty - Pet's total xp needed for this level.
      $ppc - Pet's % of the way through the current level.
      $ppn - Pet's % of the level left to complete.
      $pxg - Pet's xp needed to level.
      $tts - Time played this session.
      $rss - Xp per second (session).
      $rsm - Xp per minute (session).
      $rsh - Xp per hour (session).
      $tls - Time to level up (session).
      $xts - Xp earned this session.
      $prt - Percent of the way to being fully rested.
      $pre - Percent of the way to the end of the level that's rested.
      $nkx - Kills this session that gave XP.
      $xpk - Average XP per kill this session. (ignores rested bonus)
      $kls - Number of kills needed to level up (session). (ignores rested bonus)